How Do You Calculate Damages on a Wrongful Foreclosure
How Do You Calculate Damages on a Wrongful Foreclosure Part 2 If you have been recently served with a foreclosure notice, then the "how do you calculate damages on a wrongful foreclosure?" question that you are asking yourself is very similar to the "how do you calculate damages on a suit of general liability?" or any other negligence case. Of course, there is no right answer in either case. The fact that you are even reading this article says that you are curious about it. Hopefully, after reading this article, you will gain some insight into whether or not your lender has a case against you. Foreclosure Process: As previously mentioned, homeowners are not given the opportunity to defend their home from foreclosure through the proper legal channels. This is why the notice of default was served. Because the homeowner was not able to defend his or her home against the notice of default, this automatically gives the lending institution the right to proceed with the...